Category: News

Are there some new visits on the horizon – July 2024

In this month’s newsletter, find out what the bus is upto at some of our regular stops and if we have some new visits on the horizon? We have had such a good start to the launch of the new bus and the amount of young people coming onboard. Thank you for your support and…
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Moving over from the old to new

We are delighted to keep you in the picture of swapping from our old bus to our new bus and how it has been received by the young people in our area and the hosting bus teams. Find out here also where and when the bus will be out in June. Thanks for taking the…
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Reflecting the fun of the roadHoG Bus Youth Project

Latest stories from on the road with roadHoG!

In the newsletter this May, as we prepare to swap over the old bus for the new bus, read about some heart warming stories from the streets of what it is to be the House of God on the road. Find out also about the commissioning service and launching the new bus into service. We…
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Find out the latest news from roadHoG

So much has been going on in preparation to get the new bus on the road before our good and faithful bus gets off the road. Please find out how the project is doing and in particular how this project is supported so many wonderful people. In this edition, we just wanted to focus on…
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Where’s the Tunnard Street Visit tonight?

Owing to a new height restriction bar being installed on the Tunnard Street Council Car Park, the roadHoG Bus will be parking outside the Centenary Church (at the other end of Tunnard Street). We look forward to welcoming you on board. Doors Open at 7:30pm.