Donating to roadHoG

Since our launch in 2009, individual and local church donations have been the greatest way of sustaining roadHoG. We are so thankful to the sacrificial giving of so many near and far.

All donations will go through Lincolnshire Youth Mission, but your donation will be restricted to the running of roadHoG (Boston). In the past, and in order of our preference, we have found the following the best ways to give:

(1) One off or regular monthly donations can be made through Stewardship ( Check out our below tips for using Stewardship online and click the below button to our fundraising page and ‘continue as a guest’. If you gift is a one off, then we would recommend that you email the project to confirm that the gift is to go to roadHoG (South). NB will take a 3% admin fee.

(2) One off on-line donations by setting up a one-off payment using your personal online banking. Using the instructions in the LYM Donation Form button below.

(3) Donate by setting up a regular monthly standing order to LYM Ltd, using your personal online banking. Please use the LYM Donation Form button below for banking details only. If you do use this method, we would ask that you email us to let us know, so we can thank you and deal with setting up gift aid with you if this is applicable. The link for this is also in the LYM Donation Form link below.

(4) One-off cheque donations by post using the instructions in the LYM Donation Form button below.

If you are a UK tax payer and would like the project to receive the benefit of a further 25%, through gift aid, simply click the above Gift Aid Form button and send with your donation.

Please send postal donations and Gift Aid Forms to one of our partner churches who will be happy to forward it to us (Please make all cheques payable to “Lincolnshire Youth Mission Ltd” and remember no cash):

Lincolnshire Youth Mission Ltd,

The roadHoG Bus Youth Project
c/o Holy Trinity Church Office
Spilsby Road
Boston, Lincolnshire
PE21 9NS

“We appreciate any support you can give us no matter how big or small.”

the roadhog team