Is the exam pressure building up for you? We meet young people, who in their short lives, have been through so much more than we have ever experienced. But all of us have gone through challenges in our lives and our faith has been a big part of coming through on the other side. Please feel free to consider or ignore this additional thought:
“The last couple of years have been unbelievable when it comes to exams.
Exams on, then off…. assessments v exams….not knowing where you stand like this is difficult. But thank goodness things are now back on track! Often, when we are focused on something, our perspective on everything else changes!
We believe that it is out of genuine care and concern that adults will push you to do well in exams. But when we are being pressurised to do well in our exams, our perspective on everything else changes. The bus team’s verse from the Bible simply lets you know of God’s perspective. That God has a plan and purpose that ONLY YOU CAN DO and, with trust in God, you will get there. We would never begin to make small the importance of exams, for we have all had to do them, but remember God’s perspective”.
The roadHoG Team
“I say this because I know what I am planning for you,” says the Lord. “I have good plans for you, not plans to hurt you. I will give you hope and a good future”.
Jeremiah 29:11