Porn becoming a problem: We meet young people, who in their short lives, have been through so much more than we have ever experienced. But all of us have gone through challenges in our lives and our faith has been a big part of coming through on the other side. Please feel free to consider or ignore this additional thought:
One of our team shared. “When I was growing up stuff like this was only available on the top shelf in the newsagents and out of harms way. But then the top shelf became the click of a button! Out of curiosity (and ease) I looked and the more I looked the nastier the images became! The nastier the images became, the more it distorted my understanding of sex. Through a conference I went to, I found out that other Christians had similar struggles. It was so good to share with others and God, by the power of his spirit, has given me on-going strength to resist.”
Over the years, we’ve had quite a few conversations with young people about porn. A part from the obvious connection that porn has with organised crime, slavery in the sex industry and bitter jilted lovers (!) – some would still insist that there is nothing wrong with looking at it. But the honesty of one of our team members, highlights the dangers porn has by distorting our understanding of a strong, healthy sexual relationship. Christians hold onto the belief that this is best, and life-giving, in the context of marriage. Jesus said he had come into this world to give humanity life in all it’s fullness, even in our relationships. This is why John 10:10 is such a good verse……
the roadHoG Team
“A thief comes to steal and kill and destroy, but I came to give life—life in all its fullness”.
John 10:10