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It’s that time of the year when we will soon be going into local primary schools to present the “It’s Your Move” books to support year 6 young people moving up to secondary school.
We present a lesson enabling year 6 young people to think about how they feel about the move up and to present each with a book.
We are appealing for help to cover the costs towards the purchase of the “It’s Your Move” books published by Scripture Union. It will cost us £630 this year to buy the books.
If this is something that you would like to support us with financially, we recommend you send your gift in one of two ways:
One off gift through
By a cheque made payable to Lincolnshire Youth Mission Ltd, but please email to obtain an address to send it to.
Alternatively, one off standing order donations to LYM are possible through information provided on our donation form.
Please make sure you you mention that you would like your gift to go towards the cost of the books. Thank you.
Last, but not least, thank you for showing an interest in supporting us. This project had relied on local (and national) support.